Return & Refund
30 days returns (Germany only)
You have 30 days to return your order. In our stores the return of any item is free of charge. For postal returns a fee of 2,95€ is deducted of the total refund.
Items that were bought in our stores cannot be returned or exchanged online.
30 days returns (International)
For international orders any fees for returns must be paid by the customer. You have 30 days to return your items to get a refund. We recommend a insured shipping. Please send your package to the following address:
Broke Berlin GmbH
Grünberger Straße 48b
D-10245 Berlin
Where do I get my return label?
Please register your return in our Retourenportal to get a return label.
Alternatively you can use your tracking number.
If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact our customer support via: We can send you your return label via E-Mail.
How do returns work?
Please pack all items you want to return back into the box, print the return label and place it over any old labels. Hand it over to any DHL shop of your choice (Germany only).
When do I get my refund?
Once your package is back in our warehouse we usually need 7-14 business days to process your refund.